
Product Manager


3 months




Business Sales Project


Clover Station Pro Point of Sale System


Previously used android tablet and mobile application became obsolete to use. Clover Station Pro, a superior device compared to its competitors was what I decided to go with using for the company.

The Problem

Previous application / system lacks speed and easy functionality, causing longer wait times. Smaller screen, making for an unpleasant user experience.


  • Contact and speak with sales representatives at each company.
  • Learn about, and demo different POS systems.
  • Powerpoint present finding to stakeholders.
  • Make decision on which software and hardware to use.


Primary Goal

Use new point of sale systems at a dozen venues across the state.


After one year of use at many events, we were able to generate over half a million dollars in sales using the Clover Station Pro POS system. 

Product Features

  • Inventory tracking
  • Fast processing
  • Contactless payment
  • Multiple forms of payment
  • All in one POS

Key Takeaways:

  • Research was an important factor in convincing the stakeholders on which brand would be the best for the company to use at each event every week.
  • After sending out the first group of systems, it was important to get the first line of feedback from staff and end users making purchases. That way we could make adjustments to create the best experiences possible going forward.